Arc Cutting Industries | Arc Cut Pro 30F Floor Mounting Rail Gantry Machine

Take your shop’s production to the next level.

Arc Cutting Industries’ Arc Cut Pro 30F Floor Mounting Rail Gantry Machine combines an advanced controller with an industrial quality platform to meet the toughest demands of steel shops across the country. They offer water and downdraft table options as well as custom table sizes. The Arc Cut Pro is designed and manufactured in the U.S.A.

Why Arc Cutting Industries Arc Cut Pro 30F?

  • Built for speed cutting while maintaining part accuracy and precision
  • Utilizes advanced plate mapping technology to find the exact position and height of material for greater precision, higher efficiency, and more versatility
  • Utilizes Taskawa’s Sigma-7 servo motors for extremely high quality production on an industrial grade level
  • Live camera view
  • Crash detection system
  • Industry-changing controller

The Arc Cut Pro’s is built for high speed cutting while maintaining part accuracy and precision. Cut mild steel, stainless and aluminum with unmatched cut quality when combining the Arc Cut Pro with the most advanced plasma systems available: the Hypertherm XPR300 and XPR170.

Using it’s built-in Laser System, the Arc Cut Pro utilizes Advanced Plate Mapping technology to find the exact position and height of the material allowing for greater precision, higher efficiency and more versatility. Our Plate Mapping Technology is a key component in unlocking the full potential of the Arc Cut Pro Machine.

  • Automatic Plate Skewing: Automatic Plate Skewing will align the machine with skewed plate or structural material to increase efficiency and minimize wasted material.
  • Precision Lifter: The laser system also allows the precision lifter to automatically compensate for any height changes or debris on the material creating superior cut quality.
  • Structural Processing: Structural processing on a burn table is now a possibility using our Plate Mapping Technology. Import and process structural parts such as angle, channel, beams and tubing.

The Arc Cut Pro Machine utilizes Yaskawa’s Sigma-7 Servo Motors for extremely high quality production on an industrial grade level. Precision cutting with vibration suppression allow for smoother and more accurate parts at impressive speeds.

The Arc Cut Pro’s built-in camera is contained in an industrial grade housing. The live camera view allows for easier torch alignment and live cut monitoring from the operator’s controller.

Equipped with a magnetic mount crash detection system, the Arc Cut Pro automatically shuts down in the case of a collision to protect the plasma torch and the machine from damage.

The Arc Cut Pro’s Machine System Software comes with all the tools you need to get the most out of every run including the ability to nest on the controller. With an interactive 3D view that’s uniquely designed for each specific machine, you can view cutting progress in real-time.

