Tag Archive for: sanding

The journey to a fine finish in sanding is the culmination of transforming raw wood into a refined and desirable surface, ready for the application of the final finishing products.

Traditionally shops have a surface planer and/or wide belt sander to calibrate and prepare their products for finishing. Understanding the differences between a planer and a sander and how efficiently using a planer sander can benefit your production can be vitally important to your business saving time and money.

Widebelt sanding is a critical stage in wood preparation before and during the finishing process. Often poor sanding results do not show up until it is too late and you have finished the material. Knowing what issues to look for and how to remedy them in advance will save you both time and money by eliminating costly rework and defects.

sander maintenance

Providing regular maintenance on your wide belt sander can help mitigate small problems from turning into larger ones. These issues can often cause a halt to production and lead to costly delays.


Getting the most from your wide belt sander ensures optimum finishing results and efficient production flow, where the importance of proper grit sequencing has a profound effect on both processes.