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Similar to other Peddinghaus designs, the DG-1100 band saw utilizes a smarter design for maximum longevity of consumables, and core components. Technology that includes twin column construction, rigid material clamping, and an innovative lift and kneel material transport design ensures maximum ROI on your machine tool investment.
The DG-1100 is capable of cutting a wide range of miter cuts. Whether it’s 45º Left or Right, 60º Left or Right, or 90º straight cuts, the DG-1100 performs. Total miter cutting capability can be achieved via program command, or manual input into the saw control.
Peddinghaus’ patented speed sawing technology provides fabricators with a competitive edge in just 5 simple steps, eliminating inefficiencies caused by old fashioned sawing technology.
- Rapid advance blade approach
- Automatic material sensing
- Automatic cutting speed transition
- Feed compensation during the cut
- End of cut sensing and automatic retract
Each of these steps make cutting more productive, and allow for higher production efficiencies.
As with any other Peddinghaus machine the DG-1100 band saw is designed to last. Proven to be the saw of choice for fabricators both large and small, the DG-1100 band saw brings a new meaning to the word “reliable”.
Faster cutting requires a robust and powerful blade motor. The DG-1100 band saw relies upon a powerful 12 HP / 9 kW Blade Motor. Because of this, the DG-1100 can utilize aggressive blades in order to remove more material simultaneously and provide faster / cleaner cuts.
The DG-1100 band saw utilizes the latest in Minimum Quantity Lubrication systems. Eliminate water based flood coolant costs by applying this eco-friendly, vegetable oil based blade lube directly to the cutting surface. Slash maintenance costs by eliminating coolant mess, disposal costs, and minimizing post production cleaning of sections before secondary operations.
In tandem with a drill or as a standalone system, Peddinghaus band saws are capable of fully automatic cutting via program command.